Diocesan Grants & Loans

Most grant and loans directly administered by The Diocese of Southwestern Virginia are shepherded by the Southwestern Virginia Episcopal Fund (SVEF) on behalf of the Diocesan Executive Board. These grants and loans include Global Goals Grants, HEED Grants, Beirne Carter Education Grants for Clergy Children, Parish Revolving Loans, and Clergy Revolving Loans.

Please review grant and loan criteria carefully prior to submitting an application. If you have questions about criteria or how best to fill out an application, contact Diocesan Staff at [email protected] prior to filling out your application(s).

Simple, direct responses to application questions are best. Attaching photos were applicable is highly recommend.

The Diocese of Southwestern Virginia’s Global Goals Grant is a matching grant focused on supporting international mission projects of churches in Southwestern Virginia. Applications must focus on 1 of the first 8 Global Goals.

For an introduction to the Global Goals visit the Global Goals website.

Diocese of Southwestern Virginia’s Global Goals Grant Criteria

Diocese of Southwestern Virginia’s Global Goals Grant Application

HEED Grants primarily support accessibility projects in Southwestern Virginia’s Episcopal churches that assist those who are aging and have other accessibility needs. Grants are directly disbursed by the Bishop of Southwestern Virginia with the advice of the SVEF board.

HEED Grant Criteria

HEED Grant Application

Beirne Carter Education Grants support the children and families of canonically resident clergy in Southwestern Virginia. Grants are prioritized to focus on first, supporting students in undergraduate and second, students in secondary school.

Eligible applicants will be emailed by Diocesan Staff with an invitation to submit an annual application.

Parish Revolving Loans are available to Episcopal churches in Southwestern Virginia for capital projects. Capital projects may be planned as a part of an parish renovation or for immediately pressing needs. Applicants are advised to contact Diocesan Staff in advance of submitting an application to discuss project scoop and particular considerations regarding debt financing.

Parish Revolving Loan Application

Clergy Revolving Loans are available to canonically resident clergy in Southwestern Virginia who need assistance with purchasing their own home. This loan may be particularly helpful for new clergy to the Diocese. Parish vestries must assist clergy with making an application.

Clergy Revolving Loan Application

Grants and scholarships awarded directly by The Episcopal Church maybe be found on The Episcopal Church’s website.

If an Episcopal Church grant and scholarship requires the endorsement of the Bishop of Southwestern Virginia, please be in touch with the appropriate Diocesan Staff member before preparing and submitting an application for the Bishop’s endorsement. For example, for an evangelism grant, contact the Canon for Evangelism. If you are not sure which staff member to contact, email [email protected] to inquire.
Please contact Diocesan Staff with ample time before a particular deadline.

UTO and ERD grant applications can be direct to either Diocesan UTO and ERD Coordinator or Canon Furlow at [email protected].